About Me
Here is Yi Zuo (左谊).
I am a three-year master’s student majoring in Computer Science and Technology from the School of Artificial Intelligence at Xidian University. Currently, I am working in the IPIU Lab (the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of the Ministry of Education of China). Here is [my resume].
Academic Background
If you have not received my reply. Please try my other email: yzuo_1@stu.xidian.edu.cn.
- Sep 2018 - June 2022: Xidian University (School of Economics and Management-Electronic Commerce).
- Sep 2022 - June 2025: Xidian University (School of Artificial Intelligence-Computer Science and Technology), supervised by Prof. Cheng Jiao Li
Research Interests
- Image/Video Editing
- Video Generation
- Diffusion Inversion and Sample
My current research focus is on computer vision. I hope to dedicate my talents to this meaningful cause and bring happiness to society.
News and Updates(some key)
- Mar 2024:A TGRS paper is accepted. Robust Instance-based Semi-supervised Learning Change Detection for Remote Sensing Image
- Oct 2023:Reported in ICCV2023 workshop.
- Sep 2023:ICCV2023 UNCV2023 MUAD Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation Challenge Champion.
- Sep 2023:ICCV2023 The 5th Large-scale Video Object Segmentation Challenge Track1 Champion.
- July 2023:Responsible for the eye-controlled intelligent wheelchair project.
- May-June 2023:Awarded on CVPR2023 UG^2+ Track2, Epic-Kitchens Challenge, Epic-Kitchens Challenge
- Sep 2022:ECCV2022 AIM 2022 Instagram Filter Removal Challenge Champion.
- Sep 2022:Master’s student at Xidian University.
- June 2022:Graduated from Xidian University with a degree in Management.
- Jan 2022:Received the SenseTime Future Star Award of 2021 Year (20 people each year).
- Sep 2021:SenseTime Internship for 9 months. From project proposal to improvement, deeply participate in CareNurse projects. Here are some related news reports: New 1, New 2, New 3, New 4, New 5.
- May 2021:Participated in the Robomaster, responsible for visual algorithms.